Reply To: Senior Horse collapsed and trapped in barn for extended time


She rolled on our lawn over the weekend, and I was able to observe her attempt to get off the ground. What I observed was consistent with what others have reported on the internet. She ends up rotating around on her hocks, ended up sitting like a dog, and then with great effort pushed herself off of the ground. Scroll down through these pictures to the bottom, and you can see the hocks being used as the horse attempts to get off of the ground:

What people reported with the duct tape is that it lasts about 3 days. As it gets dusty and dried out, it eventually just falls off. If it is still sticking, I can just got off the soiled maxipad, and re-tape a new one to the existing duct tape. My hope is that I can get a good calloused area going, and then the duct tape can go. I’m also going to check out some medical tape, but I don’t know if it will stay stuck.

Initially, I found the sore and I was surprised that I missed it after the barn event. ….But then I found the other hock scuffed up when it wasn’t before. I think she ended up in a weakened/injured state after the initial injury and kept scraping up her hocks trying to rise.

I don’t know if it is my imagination, but she seems to have more bounce in her step and a little more agility when moving. So it is possible that she had back pain, stressed ligaments, crunched joints that are slowly on the mend. She is also on firocoxib daily. She is on 3 acres that is hilly. So she does get quite a bit of up and downhill exercise that should help strengthen her legs. I haven’t seen her actually favor a leg in some time.