Reply To: Tumor under one side of jaw


So by the time the vet showed up it had shrunk to about 2/3 of its original size. He felt to poke it might introduce something into her system and would not be helpful. We chose to leave it alone. While I can still feel it, without knowing it was there, I’m doubtful that I would have found it in its current state. I had one person suggest pigeon fever. We have pulled some ticks off lately and my horses are now 10 years out from their pigeon fever experience. So a possibility, but certainly an uneventful experience compared to the last one.

Then…, I noticed blood on her hind fetlock. Very fresh. I traced it to her vagina. Bright red. Not gushing, but dribbling. I flushed her out with water. I had to go look at the other mares to figure out what was normal. It appears to be coming from her left vulva, not from her vaginal canal. There is a pocket on the left side where the bleeding appears to be coming from. I can’t see any tears. The skin has a nubbly feel to it, not smooth. There is quite a bit of coagulated blood in the attached pictures so hard to see what is going on. I can’t tell if something ruptured? A cancerous growth that has broken open? Surely the vet and I would have seen the blood during his exam, even though I don’t remember her looking under her tail. I know we would have seen the red blood dripping from her.

Now that I think about it, I took her temperature a couple of times while I was trying to figure out if she had strangles or ?? Surely, I would have noticed anything unusual or bleeding.

Her current temp is 99.5. Still bright. Eating well.

Thoughts? If it is a cancerous tumor, treatment?

Thank you,
