Overheating and Exhaustion in Horses
by Robert N. Oglesby DVM
Is He Merely Tired, Exhausted, Overheated, or ...
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If your horse pulls up depressed after a ride that is long or on a very hot day, consider he may be overheated, exhausted, have colic or founder. This article addresses these issues and proper treatment for the exhausted or overheated horse and links to related articles.
Is He Merely Tired, Exhausted, Overheated, or ...
Is He Merely Tired, Exhausted, Overheated, or ...
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The main symptom of exhaustion and/or overheating is depression and rapid respiration following exercise. Heart rate will be elevated, and a hot horse when overheated, may stop sweating inappropriately. Mucous membrane color will vary with severity from pale to redder to darkening. Darkening of the mucous membranes is associated with severe disease. Of course any horse following a good run will be breathing fast and may be a little tired which can look like mild depression but once stopped these horses rapidly recover with brightening and a return to a normal respiratory rate.
If your horse has been stressed and does not seem to acting properly, consider exhaustion and overheating. Begin by taking his temperature and giving him a rest by walking about and observing him for symptoms of other disease. See red alert below if his temperature is above 105. Many diseases are associated with exhaustion. If he is not thirsty or hungry after 15 to 30 minutes of resting, the depression or stiffness increases, you should summon professional help. Consider the following complications of an exhausted horse:
Is He Merely Tired, Exhausted, Overheated, or ...
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