The inflammatory response in aqueous humor from horses with uveitis

This study helps characterize the nature of the inflammatory response in the eyes of horses with recurrent uveitis. Understanding this helps develop more effective therapies for a disease that is prevalent and expensive to manage and treat. Specifically, treatments that aim at proinflammatory cytokines and the complement cascade have the potential as therapeutic targets for … Read more

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Long-Term Follow-Up of Restorations of Equine Cheek Teeth

This study found fillings for horse’s cheek teeth protect the tooth from further degeneration. Interesting is that more severe Grade 3 caries had a better long term outcome than Grade 2 caries. However early intervention is still recommended. For reference: The chewing (occlusal) surface if the equine cheek tooth is a complicated swirl of enamel, … Read more

Feeding for treatment and prevention of equine gastric ulcers (ESGD)

OK, here is excellent evidence for what we have been saying for 20 years: alfalfa and soluble fibers (pectin, beta-glucan, inulin) benefit equine ulcer treatment and prevention. The buffering effects of the alfalfa are well documented. The beet pulp is a rich source of pectin. The use of soluble fibers, including pectin, is fairly well … Read more

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PPID, Pergolide and muscle atrophy

This is a well-designed experiment with surprising results, at least to me. The finding that pergolide did not improve the muscle mass runs counter to my experience with pergolide. They did find decrease in the odd adipose appearance of PPID horses and did find a positive effect on insulin regulation, the chief predictor of future … Read more

Diagnosis and prognosis of sesamoidean ligament desmitis

Excellent information on the diagnosis of sesmoidean ligament desmitis and reviewing the prognosis. An important general principle here is that often the proper conduction and reading of ultrasounds is best done by experienced ultrasonographers. Yes, many common US procedures of easily and routinely accessed structures can be done by occasional users of a US machine. … Read more

Equine in vitro produced blastocysts: assessing the foaling rate

I have included a second study for context: to provide numbers to the days to blastocyst formation and earlier data on optimal post-ovulation days to implant the embryo into the recipient mare. DrO Equine in vitro produced blastocysts: relationship of embryo morphology, stage and speed of development to foaling rate Reprod Fertil Dev. 2023 Feb;35(4):338-351. … Read more