Reply To: Gas Colic with Megaesophagus Senior Horse


Nikki was scoped today. They did confirm that she has a mild case of megaesophagus higher up in the esophagus. “She was noted to have dilation of her esophagus at about 140-170cm consistent with megaesophagus.” The Vet did show me where the opening to the intestines also was not opening/closing as tight as it should be.
She had fasted for about 16 hours, so there was nothing in her system. Despite that, there was lots of foaming in the esophagus. So the drooling doesn’t appear to come from food that is blocking the saliva from going down.
She had a mild gas colic 3 weeks ago, so I decided to have her scoped. No ulcers. She was tentative with her slop after the colic for a few days, but she appears to be back to normal.
They showed me where she had some dysfunction while breathing. These folds where the arrows are pointing open and close as she breathes. On one side it doesn’t quite work right; it doesn’t open and close all of the way. She said that this is the “roaring” that I hear when she exercises.