Reply To: Horse Dragging Hind Legs After Accident


They finally were able to get an appointment with UC Davis. Some really good news!!!

Wonderful news to share !

Yesterday we spent 8 hours at UCDavis with Chaco. What an amazing facility and caring staff.
Chaco finally got to meet with Dr. Sara LeJeune. She was completely shocked that Chaco had not suffered any catastrophic injuries.
After taking an extensive history of what exactly happened to him at Point Reyes, answering all our questions and concerns, Dr. LeJeune and Dr. Hanna introduced themselves to Chaco. He was a model patient.
We watched as Chaco was palpated, walked, trotted, lunged, hoof tested and probed. We went from a firm footed arena to an amazing special footing arena so that Dr. LeJeune could watch and record all of Chacos movements.
Next stop was the x ray department, checking Chaco for any damage to his head, teeth (Chaco broke a 5” log with his head during the trauma and broke a lower tooth)
and hind end. A sleepy boy returned to his stall while we got to review his x rays with the doctor. Nothing terrible on the X-rays but one spot did trouble Dr. LeJeune so the next stop was diagnostic ultrasound. After forever, really just 2 hours, Chaco came back to his stall with a shaved leg and a hungry tummy.
So, what did they find?
Chaco has inflammation of the Right Stifle. He has a mild tear in his right meniscus and another tear in the right tendon. His red cells are low due to the stress and trauma he experienced. So we have a diagnosis! Nothing that can’t be healed.
Dr. LeJeune has prescribed Zycosan, 1 shot a week for 4 weeks, vitamin E to help with healing and a red blood cell booster.
We have a follow up appointment in October with Dr. LeJeune to assess how well the Zycosan worked and if further injections are needed.
Wow … what a day! Relief that Chaco will be able to “return to riding the trails in a few months” according to the doctor. After everything Chaco went through, falling in a sink hole, somersaulting down the ravine, falling over and over, getting stuck over and under a tree in freezing cold water, scratching his cornea, getting pulled up a 100’ steep embankment, trying to walk after 9 hours down the ravine, walking 3 1/2 miles on a gnarly, rocky trail, hanging on for an hour and half trailer ride to the emergency hospital, 3 days of IV fluids and drugs and testing, my boy is going to be ok. (I just got chills writing that).
Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement with Chacos recovery and rehabilitation.
I truly believe that Chacos survival is a miracle. ❤️