Prognostic Labs Value in Horses Poisoned by Crotalaria spectabilis

There is helpful information in this study for dealing with horses that have been poisoned by Crotalaria and perhaps other plants that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Serum GGT levels above 95 U/l is a specific and sensitive indicator for the risk of death due to liver failure from Crotalaria toxicity. DrO Hematological and Serum Biochemical Changes … Read more

Bacterial Toxins Predispose the Horse’s Respiratory Tract to Equine Herpesvirus

A fascinating study that finds some respiratory bacterial pathogens produce toxins that increase the susceptibility of the equine respiratory system to infection with EHV-1. Described are the mechanisms of this increased sensitivity. The same has been found with other respiratory irritants including pollens and mycotoxins. The take home message here is that the horse’s respiratory … Read more

Laser treatment in a model of suspensory ligament branch injury

These results suggest that high-power (class 4, 15 watt) laser therapy enables better lesion healing than conservative treatment. Indeed, in the long-term studies lesion size was 1/3 that of the untreated controls. DrO Histological tissue healing following high-power laser treatment in a model of suspensory ligament branch injury Equine Vet J. 2022 Jan 10. Authors … Read more

Salt craving in senior horse

I have a 26-year-old (this coming Sept) TWH who has rather suddenly become a salt fanatic, it seems, and champion pee-er. Nothing has changed about his diet, in any significant way. He eats a little hay, but drops most of it due to loss of teeth and what teeth he has being fairly worn down … Read more

Induction of tenogenic differentiation of equine stem cells

I try to keep these updates confined to information that the equestrian can use in the care of their horses. But frequently I come across experimental findings that, while not currently available, should soon be available and owners and veterinarians should be looking for. This is one such paper. I think we are getting closer … Read more

Dust exposure and lung inflammation in horses fed dry hay or haylage

Haylage is available commercially and a suitable forage for horses. This paper found there is a significant reduction in lower airway inflammation likely due to the decreased dust in haylage compared to hay. There is a very small risk of botulism poisoning however. If you decide to feed haylage it is recommended you vaccinate with … Read more

Diagnosis and Overview of Foal Interstitial Lung Pneumonia

Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2021 Jul;62(4):490-497. Diagnostic imaging in acute interstitial pneumonia in foals: High variability of interpretation of chest radiographs and good conformity between ultrasonographic and post-mortem findings Sophia Punsmann 1, Maren Hellige 1, Judith Hoppe 2, Fritjof Freise 3, Monica Venner 4 Affiliations expand Abstract Acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) in foals is a rare … Read more

Surgical excision and topical dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) for equine pythiosis

As described in the article treatment with regional perfusion of DMSO and antifungals was effective for treating pythiosis. Regional perfusion while not that difficult does require certain technical skills, probably a trip to the equine hospital. Here surgical excision in combination with plain DMSO was found to be curative. Personally, if I tried this route, … Read more