sulfadiazine and trimethoprim suspension in neonatal foals

These researchers found that 11 mg/lb (24 mg/kg) for 10 days safe in newborn foals and reached therapeutic levels for sensitive bacteria. I would expect similar results with sulfamethoxazole preparations. These are higher doses than have been previously recommended and good to know. DrO Pharmacokinetics of a sulfadiazine and trimethoprim suspension in neonatal foals J … Read more

Importation of Resistant Small Stronglyes into the US

Whenever possible I like to point out that our deworming products are becoming less and less effective. And that a truly effective parasite control program depends on controlling environmental factors and properly timed dewormings based on a aggressive monitoring system to assess efficacy. This is the basis of our articles on deworming and the importance … Read more

Disparities in Clinical Characteristics of Duodenitis-Proximal Jejunitis

Also known as proximal enteritis or anterior enteritis this is an important disease to recognize because it looks like a surgical colic (small intestinal strangulation) but instead is a medical condition where treatment will improve outcome. Always suspicious is when the degree of systemic inflammation (vital signs and CBD) seems to be coming on faster … Read more

Oral joint supplement on gait kinematics in mature riding horses

An interesting study showing improvement in range of motion at the trot in the hock and knee motion in horses fed joint supplements when compared to controls. The ROM at the walk did not differ between the two groups. DrO Evaluation of an oral joint supplement on gait kinematics and biomarkers of cartilage metabolism and … Read more

Antimicrobial susceptibility in arytenoid chondropathy

A useful study for those battling a chronic upper respiratory infection and trying to decide which antibiotic to choose. Notable is the high amount of resistance to antibiotitcs and the importance of surgery and antimicrobial sensitivity in cases that do not respond quickly. DrO Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial isolates from 33 thoroughbred horses with arytenoid … Read more