Articles and discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of equine gastrointestinal diseases including colic, diarrhea, ulcers, weight loss, and diseases of the mouth, esophagus, and liver.
- This category has 96 topics, 42 replies, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by .
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Colic in Horses
Colic is not a disease but a symptom of pain, usually coming from the belly (abdomen). Causes of abdominal pain in horses can vary from a mild self limiting problem to severe life threatening disease.
- An Overview of Colic (4, 1)
- First Aid for Colic (1, 0)
- Sand Colic (2, 0)
- Enteroliths in Horses (2, 0)
- Grain Overload in Horses (1, 0)
- Anterior Enteritis (0, 0)
- Blister Beetle Poisoning (0, 0)
- Cecal Impaction (1, 0)
- Large Colon Displacement, and Twists (3, 0)
- Post Op Care of Colic Surgery (2, 0)
- Rectal Tears in Horses (1, 0)
- Colic in Pregnant and Foaling Mares ∞ (0, 0)
- Meconium Impaction in Foals (1, 0)
- Overo Lethal White Foal Syndrome: Equine Aganglionic Megacolon (0, 0)
- Grass Sickness, Equine Dysautonomia, Mal Seco in Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- Discussions on Colic in Horses not covered by the above (2, 0)
- 20
- 4 weeks ago
Weight Loss in Horses
Weight loss in horses is often a simple problem related to management issues. When caused by chronic disease diagnosis can be a challenge. If you are having problems with unexplained weight loss the Overview article goes over a check list and how to evaluate the items on the list to either add them or remove them from your list of rule outs.
- Overview of Chronic Weight Loss (3, 0)
- Larval Cyathostominosis ∞ (1, 0)
- Proliferative Enteropathy in Foals: Lawsonia intracellularis (2, 0)
- Gastric Ulcers ∞ (0, 0)
- Malabsorption in Horses (1, 0)
- Intestinal Parasites ∞ (0, 0)
- Equine Cushings Disease ∞ (0, 0)
- Grass Sickness ∞ (0, 0)
- Equine Infectious Anemia ∞ (0, 0)
- Rehabilitating the Malnourished Horse ∞ (0, 0)
- Selenium Toxicosis ∞ (0, 0)
- 7
- 9 months ago
Diarrhea in Horses
Articles and discussions on diarrhea in horses. Diarrhea is a common problem in horses though the cause is sometimes hard to discern. The Overview article has helpful diagnostic information and recommendations on symptomatic treatments. Once diagnosed check out the article on the specific cause.
- Diarrhea an Overview (5, 1)
- Foal Heat Diarrhea (1, 0)
- Overview of Colitis and Infectious Diarrhea in Foals (3, 0)
- Initial Evaluation of Colitis in Horses (3, 0)
- Salmonella Colitis (0, 0)
- Potomac Horse Fever (2, 2)
- Clostridium Colitis (2, 0)
- Cryptosporidia (0, 0)
- NSAID (Bute and Banamine) Toxicity ∞ (0, 0)
- Blister Beetle Poisoning ∞ (0, 0)
- Chronic Diarrhea with Weight Loss ∞ (0, 0)
- Equine Coronavirus ECoV (3, 3)
- Sand Impactions ∞ (0, 0)
- Intestinal Parasites ∞ (0, 0)
- Oak and Acorn Poisoning (1, 0)
- Discussions on Diarrhea in Horses not covered by the above (1, 3)
- 21
- 2 months ago
Mouth, Esophagus, and Liver
- Disorders of the Mouth and Teeth (9, 0)
- Slobbering, Salivation, and Clover Poisoning (0, 0)
- Choke: Esophageal Obstruction (1, 2)
- Icterus & Jaundice in Horses (1, 0)
- Liver Disease and Failure (3, 22)
- Diseases of the Bile Duct (1, 0)
- Plant Poisoning and the Liver: Hepatotoxicty (4, 0)
- Fatty Liver Disease and Hyperlipidosis (0, 0)
- Discussions on Mouth, Esophagus, and Liver not covered by the above (0, 0)
- 19
- 2 weeks ago
Parasites and Worms
- An Overview of Intestinal Parasites (1, 0)
- Deworming and Managing Intestinal Parasites ∞ (0, 0)
- Large Strongyles and Bloodworms (1, 0)
- Small Strongyles, the small bloodworm (1, 0)
- Larval Cyathastominosis (0, 0)
- Roundworm Infection, Parascaris equorum (2, 0)
- Bots (Gasterophilus spp) (1, 0)
- Tapeworms, Cestode spp (2, 0)
- Pinworms (Oxyuris) (1, 0)
- Liver Flukes (Fasciola hepatica) (1, 0)
- Discussions on Parasites and Worms not covered by the above (1, 0)
- 11
- 1 year ago
Gastric Ulcers
Gastric ulcers are a common condition in both foals and adults however the causes are different. Clinically significant ulcers in foals tend to be secondary to serious disease while in the adult horse ulcers are often the result of management shortcomings.
- 18
- 4 months ago
Colic in Horses