Articles and discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of the causes of equine lameness. The first step of figuring out your horses lameness is localizing where the pain comes from. If you are not sure your horse is lame or do not where the lameness is coming from start with the Localizing Lameness article. Once you localize your horse's lameness, check out the article on that specific anatomical area to get a further understanding of the diseases possible in this area and how to differentiate them. Once you know why your horse is lame you should read the specific article on your horse's disease.
- This category has 159 topics, 59 replies, and was last updated 1 month ago by .
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Diseases of the Hoof
Whenever a horse is lame and the cause not immediately evident diseases of the hoof should be suspected and ruled out before moving on to other parts of the foot and leg.
- First Aid for Foot Disease in Horses (1, 0)
- Overview of Diagnosis and Diseases of the Foot (3, 2)
- Founder & Laminitis
- Problems Following Shoeing or Trimming (1, 0)
- Wall Cracks and Thin Sensitive Soles (0, 0)
- Hoof Abscesses, Bruises, and Gravels (1, 0)
- Thrush (0, 0)
- Hoof Canker (proliferative pododermatitis) (1, 0)
- White Line Disease or Onychomycosis (0, 0)
- Navicular Disease / Chronic Heel Pain Syndrome (3, 6)
- Correcting Long Toe Low Heel Foot Conformation (1, 0)
- Neurectomy and Nerving: A Farriers View (1, 0)
- Navicular Bone Fracture (0, 0)
- Sidebone and the Collateral Cartilages (1, 0)
- Hoof Keratoma (1, 0)
- Pedal Osteitis (0, 0)
- Coffin Bone Fracture (1, 0)
- Club Foot (0, 0)
- Contracted Heels (1, 0)
- 23
- 1 month ago
Diseases of the Lower Limb
Diseases of the Equine Hoof are located in a different topic. In this topic diseases of the coronary band, pastern, and cannon are discussed. Contracted Tendons is discussed in the Diseases of Tendons topic.
- Stocking Up: Cool Swellings of the Lower Legs (1, 0)
- Coronary Band Injury ∞ (0, 0)
- Flexor Tendonitis (10, 0)
- Tendon Lacerations (1, 0)
- Suspensory Desmitis, Strain, & Sprain (6, 0)
- Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmopathy / Desmitis (DSLD) (3, 0)
- Inferior Check Ligament Desmitis (1, 0)
- Overview of Cannon Lameness (1, 0)
- Bucked Shins in Horses (0, 0)
- Diseases of the Splint Bones (0, 0)
- Overview of Fetlock (Ankle) Lameness (9, 7)
- Annular Ligament Constriction (0, 0)
- Diseases of the Sesamoid Bones (3, 0)
- Overview of Diseases of the Pastern (2, 0)
- Ringbone: Arthritis of the Coffin or Pastern Joint (2, 0)
- Diseases of the Hoof ∞ (0, 0)
- Diseases of the Lower Limb topics not covered by the above (1, 2)
- 40
- 1 month ago
Diseases of the Upper Front Limb
Diseases of the knee (carpus), forearm, and shoulder are discussed in this topic. Shoulder Sweeny, a neurological disease, is discussed in another topic.
- 5
- 7 months ago
Diseases of the Upper Rear Limb
Diseases of the hocks, gaskin, stifles, and hips. Fibrotic or Ossifying Myopathy & Myositis and Rhabdomyolysis: Tying Up, Shivers, PSSM, EPSM are in the Muscle Disease topic.
- Overview of Diseases of the Hock (Tarsus) (4, 0)
- Fibrotic Myopathy ∞ (0, 0)
- Rhabdomyolysis, Tying Up, and PSSM ∞ (0, 0)
- Curb or Curby Hocks: Tarsal Plantar Desmitis in Horses (0, 0)
- Ruptured Peroneus Tertius (1, 0)
- Overview of Stifle Lameness (8, 0)
- Stifle Lock: Upward Fixation of the Patella (0, 0)
- Stringhalt (1, 0)
- Tibiotarsal Synovitis: Bog Spavin (1, 0)
- Shivers (2, 0)
- Topics not Covered Above (3, 2)
- 20
- 5 months ago
Leg Swellings
This topic has articles on inflammatory (hot), noninflammatory, joint, and bony swellings of the horse's legs.
- Diagnosing Swellings ∞ (0, 0)
- Hot & Painful Legs (0, 0)
- Stocking Up: Cool Swellings of the Lower Legs ∞ (0, 0)
- Scratches, Grease Heel, Dew Poisoning, & Mud Fever ∞ (0, 0)
- Hoary Alyssum Poisoning ∞ (0, 0)
- Fetlock Windpuffs ∞ (0, 0)
- Splints ∞ (0, 0)
- Hock Swellings: Spavin, Throughpin, Capped Hock, Curb ∞ (0, 0)
- Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema (Lymphedema) ∞ (0, 0)
- Bandaging Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- Pressure Wraps, Poultices, Cold and Heat Therapy ∞ (0, 0)
- 0
- Click for Topics
Weakness, Exhaustion & Overheating
- Overheating and Exhaustion (0, 0)
- Anhidrosis & Deficient Sweating (0, 0)
- Exercise Intolerence and Poor Performance (2, 0)
- HYPP, Hyperkalemic Periodic ∞ (0, 0)
- Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency ∞ (0, 0)
- Epsom Salts and Magnesium Toxicity ∞ (0, 0)
- Equine Motor Neuron Disease (EMND) ∞ (0, 0)
- Grass Sickness, Equine Dysautonomia, and Mal Seco ∞ (0, 0)
- Botulism Poisoning, Shaker Foals ∞ (0, 0)
- 2
- Click for Topics
Joint, Bone, Ligament Diseases
Joints are made up of bone, cartilage, ligaments, fluid, and capsules. The cause disease can vary: injury, infection, or growth abnormalities. The Arthritis Overview article summarizes the causes and treatments then there are specific articles on common conditions of joints, bones, and ligaments of the horse and there treatments.
- Arthritis and DJD: An Overview (10, 11)
- Ringbone in Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- Arthrodesis and Joint Fusion for Arthritis (0, 0)
- Tibiotarsal Synovitis: Bog Spavin ∞ (0, 0)
- Cunean Tenectomy for Arthritis of the Hock (0, 0)
- Angular Limb Deformities in Foals (0, 0)
- Epiphysitis, Physitis, and Physeal Dysplasia (0, 0)
- OCD and DOD in Horses (9, 5)
- Joint Infection, Joint Ill, and Septic Arthritis (2, 0)
- Lyme Disease, Borreliosis, in Horses (1, 0)
- Annular Ligament Constriction ∞ (0, 0)
- Inferior Check Ligament Desmitis ∞ (0, 0)
- Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis ∞ (0, 0)
- Rehabilitating Injured Tendons and Ligaments ∞ (0, 0)
- Emergency Care of Horses with Leg Fractures (4, 0)
- Diseases of the Splint Bones ∞ (0, 0)
- Bucked Shins ∞ (0, 0)
- Diseases of the Sesamoid Bones ∞ (0, 0)
- Antiinflammatory Treatments ∞ (0, 0)
- Diseases of joints, bones, and ligamens not covered above (3, 0)
- 29
- 9 months ago
Muscle & Tendon Diseases
Muscles join to bones through tendons. Contraction and relaxation of the muscles create movement of the skeletal system. Injuries to the tendons, particularly the flexors, and metabolic disorders of the muscles are common causes of lameness in the horse. In this topic you will find articles and links to articles on the diseases of tendons and muscles.
- Flexor Tendonitis ∞ (0, 0)
- Tendon Lacerations ∞ (0, 0)
- Tendon Laxity and Contracture (3, 1)
- Rehabilitating Injured Tendons ∞ (0, 0)
- Rhabdomyolysis: Tying Up, Shivers, PSSM, EPSM (4, 0)
- Fibrotic or Ossifying Myopathy & Myositis (3, 0)
- HYPP, Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (1, 0)
- White Muscle Disease (0, 0)
- Hypocalcemia, Thumps & Tetany (0, 0)
- Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (1, 0)
- Malignant Hyperthermia (1, 0)
- Saddle Thrombus of the Aorta ∞ (0, 0)
- Muscle & Tendon Diseases not covered above (0, 0)
- 13
- 1 year ago
Treatment Methods for Lameness
Treatment methods for specific lameness problems are covered in the article on that specific lameness. In this topic, general treatment methods are covered in detail.
- Bandaging Horses ∞ (0, 0)
- Pressure Wraps and Poultices for Horse∞ (0, 0)
- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (1, 0)
- IRAP Therapy for Arthritis in Horses (1, 0)
- Acupuncture (0, 0)
- Chiropractic (1, 0)
- Rehabilitating Injuries to the Tendons and Ligaments (3, 0)
- Stem Cell Therapy (1, 0)
- Lameness Treatment Methods Not Discussed Above (1, 0)
- 8
- 1 year ago
- Lameness topics not covered above
- 0
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Diseases of the Hoof